Apple just released their latest updates for Leopard 10.5.3. Also today they released their latest, and probably last Beta version, of their developer tools XCode. The latest version the tools requires 10.5.3. The final version of the developer tools is expected to ship on the first day of the WWDC conference on June 9th.
Download the latest Mac OS X update either from Software Updates or from here
Download the latest Beta version of the developer tools here
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Mac OS X 10.5.3 & XCode 3 Beta 6 Out
Posted by
Joseph Megkousoglou
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Mac OS X Tip #1- The Alt Key
Starting this week, I will be posting regular Mac OS X Leopard tips that I come across.
The Alt key is quite powerful on Macs. First hidden little secret is the System Profiler and the Alt key. If you want to start System Profiler quickly then hold your Alt key while you click on the Apple menu. The About This Mac menu item will change to System Profiler, and by clicking it will launch System Profiler instead of the About screen.
The Alt key has many hidden uses in Mac OS X and I will be revealing them slowly, so stay in touch. Also I am going to start talking about Xcode and Objective C very soon and everything about development on Mac OS X.
Posted by
Joseph Megkousoglou
Thursday, 15 May 2008
My First Dashboard Widget
Well I have really moved over to the other side - Apple that is. Well yesterday I published our first ever Mac OS X Dashboard Widget, and today it has been listed on Apple's web site! Check out the screen shot and if you are sensible enough to be on a Mac download it here from Apple.
I built this widget within a few hours by using Dashcode, part of Xcode, Apple's free development tools for Mac OS X. Can you build one of these so quickly and elegantly for Vista? I don't think so!
Posted by
Joseph Megkousoglou
Saturday, 3 May 2008
I'm a Mac!
First it was the work iMac earlier this year. The trial machine ended up becoming an inseparable work partner. Not only Leopard is a first-class operating system but the iMac even runs Windows faster in VMWare than my original PC hardware did. I am now officially a Mac. I ditched my Lenovo laptop with its pathetic screen resolution (and you know how much screen space Visual Studio needs) for a brand new Macbook Pro (15.4" screen, 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo and 4Gb RAM). The machine simply screams of power. Visual Studio rocks on it in a VMWare Vista machine. Amazing screen resolution and with Leopard Spaces it only takes one keystroke and I switch from Leopard to Vista in no time. Can't wait to switch my home computer to a new 3.06GHz iMac this October - I think a great present for my 30th birthday!
I will keep you posted on how I get on but to get your appetite going here's a picture of the machine! GET A MAC - it doesn't just work - IT ROCKS!
Posted by
Joseph Megkousoglou